  1. Lokāyata philosophy: a fresh appraisal.Subuddhi Charan Goswami (ed.) - 2010 - Kolkata: Asiatic Society.
    Research papers outcome of a seminar organised by the Asiatic Society, Kolkata on 18-19 February 2008.
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  2.  17
    Nature of anumāna: an overview of Indian theories.Subuddhi Charan Goswami (ed.) - 2015 - Kolkata: The Asiatic Society.
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  3.  14
    Kaṇādaṭippaṇī: a commentary on Gaṅgeśa's Avayavacintāmaṇī: critical edited with Cintāmaṇi, translation, notes and with Mūlamāthurī & Mūlajāgadīśī in the appendices. Kaṇādatarkavāgīśa & Subuddhi Charan Goswami - 2006 - Kolkata: Rabindra Bharati University. Edited by Subuddhi Charan Goswami, Gaṅgeśa, Jagadīśatarkālaṅkāra & Mathurānātha Tarkavāgīśa.
    Commentary on Avayava, portion of Tattvacintāmaṇi dealing with syllogism (avayava) work of the Navya-nyaya school in Indic philosophy by Gaṅgeśa, 13th cent.
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